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St. Matthew is made up of ordinary people like you who gather together around God's Word to receive encouragement as we journey through life to eternal life in heaven. Some of us are married, some of us are single. Some of us are just getting started in life, and some of us are golden-agers. We come from a wide variety of religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds. But we all share a common faith in a God who loves all people and who proved it by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to rescue the world from sin.


We are a Christian Church

We confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior from sin and the only hope for eternal life.

We are a Bible Church

We believe that all of the Bible is the true Word of God and is never wrong. The Bible is the final authority for Christian teaching and life.

We are a Lutheran Church

We share the message that salvation is the gift of God by “Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone.”

We are a Confessional Church

We subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions as compiled in the Book of Concord, 1580. (The Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian Creed, The Small Catechism, The Large Catechism, The Augsburg Confession, The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, The Smalcald Articles, The Formula of Concord)

We are a Wisconsin Synod Church

We belong to a worldwide fellowship of believers, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), united for the purpose of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with all people.

We are a Community Church

We are a growing family of neighbors and friends sharing God's love to meet each other's needs.





Who May Attend?

Anyone is welcome, including children of all ages, to attend our worship services. We love to share the wonderful news of God's love and forgiveness.


How Much Does It Cost to Worship?

Absolutely nothing. We exist to share what we have. Our members give their offerings so that we can continue to share the good news of forgiveness in Christ Jesus. When the offering plates are passed, it is an opportunity to support the continuing message we proclaim here at St. Matthew. Guests are never expected to contribute.


What Should I Wear?

What's important is not what you wear. We are glad to welcome you and to share the great things God has done for you, no matter what you wear.













We think of worship as a conversation with God

We bring our troubles to him and he tells us what he has done for us as well as what he will continue to do for us. We use a variety of formats with music both new and old to give people from every generation ways to talk and listen to the Lord. A normal service will last about one hour.




that God is Triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19).

that God created us and the entire world in which we live (Gn 1:1).

that we and all people sin against God in our thoughts, words and actions (Ro 8:23).

that we and all people deserve to die physically and eternally for our sins (Ro 6:23).

that God in his love planned to save us and all people from the punishment we deserve (Gn 3:15).

that God sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to take our place (Jn 3:16).

that Christ lived a sinless life and innocently died for the sins of the entire world (1 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 2:2).

that we and all people have complete pardon for our sins through Christ's perfect life and sacrificial death (Jn 3:16).

that God makes this pardon ours by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph :8,9).

that faith itself is a gift given by God through the working of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3).

that the Holy Spirit works through the Gospel (Good News) of Christ in the Word of God and in the
Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Ro 10:17; 1 Pe 3:21; Mt 26:28).

that the books of the Bible are in their entirety the true Word of God and contain no errors (2 Tm 3:16).

that because of Christ's life, death and resurrection we also can joyfully and thankfully live for him and with him now and forever (Ga 2:20; Jn 14:19).



Scripture teaches that the Lord's Supper brings us close to Jesus and expresses our closeness to each other. For that reason, we practice "close" communion. We ask that only those who are close in faith and fellowship (WELS or ELS members) partake with us. If you would like to know more, our pastor would be happy to visit with you. If you are visiting, please speak to the pastor before communing.   


Communion is offered the 1st, 3rd and (when applicable) 5th Sunday of the month in all services. We use individual cups along with the common cup in all Communion services.

What is Close Communion?


Check out our Services Page for more information


We share the good news of Jesus and his love. What a joy to know that because of his life, death and resurrection, all of our guilt is gone! We have his promise of eternal life in heaven. What a joy to know that God is smiling on you right now. He is with you to help you and bless you.

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